Tuesday, May 13, 2014

REP-0118 unable to create temp file (report builder)

Causes: temp file directory is missing in the registry or  it is set to a nonexistent directory.

This could also happen if your windows profile is corrupted.


 open regedit  (start -> run  -> regedit),  go to  hkey_local_machine -> software -> oracle-> KEY_DevSuiteHome1  -> reports_tmp  

Change the reports_tmp value to c:\window\temp or any other directory you prefer.  Make sure you have write permissions on that folder.

Close the report builder and open it again.

Note:  If you are trying to run report builder, you should change the REPORTS_TMP  on the devsuite side, not on the  App server side (key_oracleas1). 



Unknown said...

Thank you very much!!

Unknown said...

It works! Thanks a lot!

Subhash said...

Hi, I am unable to change path for REPORTS_TMP, It gives following error: Cannot edit REPORTS_TMP: error writing the value's new contents.

Please help.

Unknown said...

Well done dear bor.......

Unknown said...

well done nadeem gujar....